

They're the Galactico, and I am the Valencia.


Day 10
Q. On television after the match, you said that Guillermo and David are really great, that you are coming behind. Now that you are good technically and you have a mental edge, as well, are you also going to be at the same level of them, or do you see yourself somewhere behind?
GASTON GAUDIO: No, I think I'm going to be somewhere behind and providing support (laughter). They are the geniuses. They're the Galactico, and I am the Valencia.
Q. Why can't you be the Galactico?
GASTON GAUDIO: Well, I see things from outside, just as you do. I think they have a special talent. They're incredible. They're in the Top 10. I would be happy if they won the tournament. They really have something in them. I don't know whether things were easier for them from the outset. I don't know what it was that caused that. But I think their level is better.
Q. You mentioned Valencia. They have two titles.
GASTON GAUDIO: I'm just asking for one title, not two.

Day 12
Q. Do you feel you're a Galactico?
Q. What's missing so that you feel Galactico in the final?
GASTON GAUDIO: I have to win more matches, a lot more matches.

Day 14
Q. A couple of days ago, you said you saw Nalbandian and Coria as the Galacticos, and you were something of a Valencia because Valencia won the league.
GASTON GAUDIO: I don't lie. I always say the truth.
Q. Were you being smart at the time?
GASTON GAUDIO: That's why I say Valencia, you know, because they got the championship and I got it. So I don't lie. That's why (smiling).

このネタを聞いた時は、記者の誘導尋問(時事ネタ振り)につられたのかと思っていたが、最初に「ギャラクティコ」を出したのはガウディオの方だった。しかし準決勝(Day 12)後の質問では「その日限りのジョークを引っ張ってくるなよ、つまんない奴だな」とも映る素っ気ない回答(動画を見れば真実が分かるはずだが、マカーは見られないっぽい)。2度続けたからにはお約束で3度目の会見でも質問。でも優勝した後だから、結構ノリ良く答えてくれている。